What You Need To Know About A Full Arch Rehabilitation

Do you have missing or damaged teeth that need to be replaced? A full arch rehabilitation may be the perfect solution. A full arch rehabilitation is a great option for full mouth reconstruction that can help restore the natural beauty of your smile. Here's a closer look at what full arch rehabilitation entails and how it works.

What Is a Full Arch Rehabilitation?

A full arch rehabilitation is a dental procedure that integrates implants and crowns to replace all the missing or damaged teeth in a single arch (upper or lower). This kind of full mouth reconstruction is typically performed over multiple visits, with the goal of creating a fully functional, permanent, and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Who Needs a Full Arch Rehabilitation?

A full arch rehabilitation may be the right choice if you are missing several teeth in a row, want to replace existing dentures or upgrade from partial dentures to a permanent solution. A full arch rehabilitation can also help provide stability for loose teeth and relieve pain and discomfort associated with missing teeth.

It should be noted that any existing dental problems, such as cavities or gum disease, will need to be addressed before undergoing this procedure.

How Does a Full Arch Rehabilitation Work?

During the first step of the procedure, your dentist will examine your mouth and take x-rays to determine which type of treatment is best for you. If implants are necessary, they will then be placed into the jawbone, where they will act as artificial tooth roots. The next step is for abutments (connecting pieces) to be attached to each implant post. Finally, a porcelain crown is applied over each abutment, creating a complete set of permanent teeth that look and feel natural.

What Are the Benefits of a Full Arch Rehabilitation?

The most obvious benefit of having a full arch rehab done is having an aesthetically pleasing smile again. However, there are many other benefits, including:

  • Permanent solution
  • More stability than traditional dentures
  • Preserve bone density in the jawbone area by stimulating growth
  • No special maintenance
  • Reduced pain and discomfort

Additionally, you can enjoy the confidence you get from having a beautiful and healthy smile once again.

If you are considering full arch rehabilitation, you should consult with your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. With the help of a specialist, you can get on the path to restoring your beautiful smile.
