Dos And Don’ts For Managing A Toothache

Toothache pain has to be one of the worst kinds of pain. It pulses with your heartbeat and can radiate through your cheeks and skull. There is no doubt about it — if you have a toothache, you need to see a dentist. However, there are some care tips you can follow while you wait for your appointment. Here are some of the most important dos and don'ts to keep in mind when you have a toothache.

Do: Take over-the-counter pain relievers.

An over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen probably won't erase the pain completely, but it should help. Do make sure the pain reliever you choose is an NSAID. Ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin are all NSAIDs. These pain relievers work, in part, by relieving inflammation, which is a key component of toothaches. Acetaminophen is better than nothing, but it is not an NSAID and may not give you quite as much relief.

Don't: Take prescription pain relievers you have left from something else.

If you have prescription pain relievers left over from another medical problem, it may be tempting to take them. But doing so could put you in harm's way. These medications may interfere with meds that your dentist gives you later. 

Do: Try some clove oil.

If you have some clove oil in your cupboard or can buy some from a local pharmacy, dab it on your gums near the achy tooth. This should help ease the pain of the toothache. The flavor of cloves is strong, however, so make sure you don't touch it with your tongue more than necessary. Some clove oil preparations are made for teething babies; these should be fine to use as an adult, too.

Don't: Cancel your appointment if the pain goes away.

Sometimes, patients will get their toothache pain under control with pain relievers and clove oil, so they'll figure everything is better and cancel their dental appointment. But you still need to see the dentist, even if your tooth has stopped bothering you. There is a reason it was bothering you in the first place. Likely, it is abscessed or has excessive decay. You still need to have these issues treated by a dentist.

If you adhere to the advice above, you should have success in dealing with a toothache. Remember, no matter how bad the pain may become, it is still temporary. Your dentist can give you additional advice about managing a toothache if needed.
