Is Invisalign Right For You?

The pursuit of straight teeth is one many Americans are familiar with because most people have either worn braces or know someone who wore braces at some point in their life. Properly aligned teeth are not just better from a cosmetic point of view. When your teeth are well aligned, it helps to promote better oral hygiene. Your teeth can develop better and you'll be at lower risk of suffering from some dental problems.

Unfortunately, regular braces have one major drawback and that is their visibility. This is why innovative products like invisalign are so popular.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular brand of clear aligners that can be used to align teeth and fix a number of other issues as well. As the name suggests, these types of aligners are not as visible as traditional braces. For people who feel self-conscious about their braces, Invisalign offers a viable alternative that has already been used by millions of people.

Invisalign aligners are designed to be removed since they must be taken out when the patient is eating, brushing, or flossing. However, the patient will need to wear the aligners at all other times.

What Can Invisalign Fix?

Invisalign can treat a significant number of dental issues including:

  • Crooked teeth

  • Underbite

  • Crossbite

  • Overbite

  • Gapped teeth

  • Crowded teeth

These are some of the most common dental issues that people have, which means that a significant number of people can benefit from using Invisalign.

Limitations of Invisalign

Invisalign is a great product for patients who care about the aesthetics of dental aligners. However, it has certain limits. For starters, Invisalign is usually not suitable for patients who have complex dental problems. When the degree of misalignment is very high, the patient may not get the best results by using Invisalign or any other clear aligners.

One of the reasons for this is the fact that invisalign doesn't have the same force as regular braces. Additionally, the shape and position of your teeth, very large gaps between teeth, and even dental work that was done in the past may mean that Invisalign isn't the right solution for you.

Should You Get Invisalign or Regular Braces

Ultimately, whether or not your case can be fixed using Invisalign can only be determined by an orthodontist. Each individual's case has to be assessed and the result isn't always the same. Additionally, it's also possible that some patients will simply prefer braces.

For more information, contact Bernuy Orthodontist Specialist.
