Reasons Why Your Gums Are Bleeding

A bit of blood on your toothbrush isn't a concern if it happens infrequently, but if the pink stains are becoming common you need to figure out why. The following are a few of the reasons why your gums are bleeding and becoming more sensitive.

You're using the wrong toothbrush

Stiffer bristles don't necessarily mean cleaner teeth. Overly stiff bristles are actually hard on both teeth and gums. The bristles are so abrasive that they can wear down enamel and cause your gums to recede. As the gum recede, pockets form at the base of the tooth that allows bacteria in, which leads to gum disease. If you just recently switched to a harder bristled brush, try moving down to a soft bristle to see if that solves the bleeding gum issue.

The floss is cutting your gums

There are two instances when flossing can cause bleeding. The first is if you are new to flossing. If your dentist has already ruled out gum disease but instructed you to start flossing, you may see some light bleeding for the first few weeks as your gums become accustomed to flossing and toughen up. The other instance is if you are flossing too deeply or roughly. When you floss, gently bring the thread between your teeth and rub it slightly between the gum line and tooth. If you are sawing back and forth you are going to cut into the gums and cause bleeding.

Your medication has changed

If bleeding gums appear right after a medication change, call your pharmacist and see if this is a common side effect. Many medications, such as blood thinners and other cardiovascular drugs, are prone to making your gums more likely to bleed. If you determine medications are the likely cause, give your dentist a call and ask for any advice on ensuring your dental care is met. You may need to schedule more frequent checkups, for example, as some medications that cause gum bleeding may also make you more prone to decay or gum disease.

You have developed gum disease

Unfortunately, the most common reason for bleeding gums is gum disease. If you catch it in the early stages, though, it can usually be reversed. Regardless, you need to call a dentist immediately so you can have it diagnosed, because ongoing treatment at any stage is key to stopping its progression and saving your teeth.

For more information, contact specialists like Bradley T Piotrowski DDS MSD LLC.
