Answering Several of Your Questions About Dental Implants

Having a tooth replacement can be an important procedure for restoring your sense of self-esteem and appearance. While there are many different dental-treatment options available for correcting this problem, you may lack the experience needed to understand some of the basic details about this procedure. To help yourself make a decision as an informed dental patient, you should be mindful of understanding the following few commonly asked questions.  

Why Should You Pay the Higher Expense of Getting a Dental Implant?

A dental implant will cost a considerable amount more than choosing to have a bridge installed. However, a bridge will be unable to provide you with some of the benefits that can come from a dental implant. More precisely, a dental bridge will fail to provide sufficient support to the jaw bone, and this can cause the bone to weaken due to atrophy. Furthermore, a dental bridge will need to be replaced, but an implant will be permanent. Replacing the bridge can represent a sizable expense, and when these expenses are considered, the implant may be the more economical choice.  

What Will the Process of Installing the Dental Implant Be Like?

You will likely want to have the tooth replaced as quickly as possible. Yet, it must be noted that a dental implant can have a rather lengthy installation process. This results from the need for the implant to physically bond with the bones in the jaw. Due to this fact, the installation process will typically require two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the implant is installed, and after it has fully bonded to the jaw, the artificial tooth will be placed on top of it.

Are There Any Reasons Why You May Not Be Able to Undergo This Procedure?

Sadly, the process of installing a dental implant can be rather intensive, and this can put tremendous stress on your mouth. Therefore, you will need to be evaluated by your dentist prior to deciding to undergo this procedure. During this evaluation, the dentist will closely inspect the health of your gums as well as the current condition of the jaw bone. If you have lost too much gum or bone tissue, it might be necessary for you to undergo a grafting procedure. Otherwise, the implant may not be properly supported by the mouth. While having these issues corrected will extend the amount of time needed to undergo this treatment, it will be essential for preventing complications that could inhibit the effectiveness of this treatment.
